Sunday, August 27, 2017

Rebooting my blog

This blog began as an assignment for a class on technology and leadership. However, I chose the name from the motto of the United States Air Force Weapons School, which I had graduated from a mere month before the class began. So I find it only fitting that I am restarting my blog while deployed as the Mission Planning Cell Chief, a role I was explicitly trained for during Weapons School.

The main reason, however, I decided to began blogging again was as a method to track my own growth as a leader and person. I recently read Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg (Of which I will discuss more in depth during my next post) and one of the takeaways was that productive people manage to incorporate or discuss new ideas they learn in order to better retain them. I figured, in a deployed environment, what better way to do that then to highlight key items and use them as topics for blog posts? I certainly do not expect anybody to read this blog but hopefully, the exercise of writing what I am experiencing through work, classes, or even just personal reading will translate into more retention an make me a more productive leader. If you do happen to stumble across this blog please comment, feedback will only help and encourage me on this journey I am now beginning.